Sunday, February 4, 2024

Information - China

Something i would like to pass on to my readers

I have a friend in China, we met about 1985 he is now the head of a Large School, I won’t say his name or the    name of the School to protect his safety, he has confided in me on many subjects, mostly about his personal life, nothing directly about the Government, but something he said that interested me was, Quote China has a program that can see or view people on webcam when they have their camera off, and you think it is not on but they can watch you.
I don’t know if this is only in China but being a web cam i would not trust it at any time.

Now I put something over my Web Cam viewer, Spy Camera as i now call it, and I am aware to who might be listening in while we are on line.

On this subject I spent about eight Months in Total in China. 
to use the internet to make contact with my friends in Australia, I would go the the library almost every day, the internet was usually set up in a School or Library, in this case it was a Library and a School combined, this was about 1989, My trip to China was to buy Denim Work Trousers, my Company in Australia Manufacturing them, I will tell you about that later, now back to the School, I was walking through the School grounds and a Group of People who were there to learn English called me over to their group and wanted to talk with me, at this time Chinese were desperate to learn English, they were part of a group who went there every weekend to talk with other Chinese in English, it is called the English Corner, This is where I thought of the name to call my Blogs and Web sites, China English Corner.

This day about six people were there, but it soon expanded to about thirty so we talked and exchanged interests, it lasted about three hours, I thought it would only be about half an hour, they asked me so many questions, and i found it very interesting as they were hungry for information on many subjects, about two hours into the meeting, a man asked me some intense questions and he became very adjetated at times, he asked me what i thought about Taiwan, I gave him my  opinion, he did not like it, he put the question to me what would I think if Tasmania became independent from Mainland Australia, my answer was if the People decided that’s what they want then so be it, he was upset with my answer when the other people standing around started clapping, the group had increased to about thirty by this time, later they told me he was a secret Police, just as well i said the right things, and i said to him while i am in China i respect the Chinese Law and abide by the Chinese rules while imp in China.

A Man in the group was the Head of a Chinese High School and he offered me a Job, he said i was very good, i could choose my own hours and all I would have to do is talk. I never thought of myself as being able to talk.  

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