Sunday, February 4, 2024

A few photos from my younger days

I was thinking of writing a book but I wouldn't have a clue where to start, I don't have the funds or any idea on how to go about it, or if my story is worth Publishing. you be the judge, please let me know 

Why do I call this site Ian's Life Downunder, I have been called Ian as long as I can remember

These are some photos from my early days, I'm about 18

A Great Life a Great Country before those Treasonous Politicians  took away our Constitution and stuffed Australia the Bastards, I'm very angry about what they did. I guess i'm one of the lucky Aussies to have enjoyed the early days in Australia, its difficult to describe in just a few words, so read all of my Blog's and you will see what they have stolen from you. 

Me about 18 and my  FJ Holder Reg. WA 32-129
I changed the front coil springs to Heavy Duty ones and put a stabilizer bar on the front, later I replaced the Grey Engine with a 179,by doing this it was big improvement, when cornering at high speeds, I was a bit of a Hoon, I out-drove a Jaguar one time in South Australia and boasted no one would pass me on the highway or open roads. I drove it all over Australia and put it on the Princess of Tasmania (Ferry) to Tasmania and as for north as Cairns North Queensland and Longreach. I believe I could have been as good a driver as Peter Brock.I never had an accident, God was also looking after me. 

Rocky Gully School - me bottom left  

Rocky Gully School 1953  Me bottom left corner, at this time i was a bit of a weed, the smallest kid at the school, and always being bullied, wish I had met up with some of the pricks in my later days, yes I did he is in the top row on the end, and the Teacher surname Phillsel  or something like that he was also a prick so it doesn't matter, I saw him back in 2006 teaching at Murdoch High School 

I was lucky they didn't have that safe schools bullshit going on in my day, teaching kids all this shit, turning them into Poof's and Lezo's  not to mention the Hazing going on in high schools and universities, turning young girls into lezo's  

Before life got complicated

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